OnTheDay.net terms of service

The services from OnTheDay.net are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. By using OnTheDay.net to manage your race data you understand and agree that there are items beyond our control that could prevent OnTheDay.net from being available.

Third party hosting

OnTheDay.net, like almost all webapps, uses a third-party hosting company. While we have made a careful choice of hosting company based on reputation and compatibility with our webapp framework, there could exist circumstances beyond our control when OnTheDay.net is not available.

Internet connection

Most races connect to OnTheDay.net through the cell phone data infrastructure. The major wireless networks are very reliable, but these too can have occasional outages. Many promoters who use OnTheDay.net have a second wifi hotspot device from another carrier as a backup.


OnTheDay.net is regularly updated with new features and occasional bug fixes. Every effort is made to ensure correct operation. OnTheDay.net could however include technical mistakes ("bugs") or other errors that prevent correct operation. Bugs brought to our attention will be investigated.

OnTheDay.net is built using the Django framework. Some operations in Django require HTTP cookies (for example, login) – browsers must therefore accept cookies for correct operation of OnTheDay.net.

Athlete participation disclaimer

Races that use our services can be inherently risky. Athletes acknowledge and accept this risk by signing the release forms required by race promoters as a condition of participation. OnTheDay.net is NOT RESPONSIBLE for injury or damage resulting from participation in a race that uses our data management services.

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