Hellyer WNTL (5/18)
Hellyer WNTL (5/18) – Wednesday May 18, 2022
Part of the 2022 Hellyer Wednesday Night Track League

Hellyer WNTL (5/18): Scratch Race: Open A

Heat 9
Place # First Last City Team Age Points
1 59 Lawrence NOLAN 7
2 115 Aaron GARCIA 5
3 209 Heaney PATRICK 3
4 400 Alexander WINTER 2
5 321e Tommy PERKINS 1
6 137 Ingmar JUNGNICKEL -
7 85 Andrew ADELMAN -
8 123 Allen VUGRINCIC -
9 39 Jeromy COTTELL -
10 230 Mattheus JOHNSON -
11 127 GINO GABUYO -
12 295 Stanley TERUSAKI -
13 10 Carsten BAKER -
14 121 Daryl HEMENWAY -
15 153 David KOESEL -
- 72 Javier ACOSTA
- 294 Cameron ADAMS
- 136 Matthew AMARA
- 143 Eddy BACH
- 130 Ethan BOYES
- 110 Matthew DIZON
- 103 James GRADY
- 214 Christopher GUZIK
- 999 Matt MARTINEZ
- 111 Justin POULSON
- 122 Bernhard STONAS
Field: 26
e was 131, now 321
  Prev: Heat 8 9 Next: Heat 10